CONGRATULATIONS TO THE NEW GRANT RECIPIENT! Berkeley City Council approved 2-year (FY22 and FY23) grants to the following NEW community agency.  Read Resolution No. 69,903 N.S. for more details. Listed below is the new agency funded in FY22 and FY23:

18 Reasons

$59,500 across two years. 

Resolution #69,903 N.S.

With support from Healthy Berkeley, 18 Reasons will expand our capacity to reach Berkeley residents with our Cooking Matters (CM) series, Cooking Matters at the Store (CMATS) tours, and Cooking Matters Peer Education program. Cooking Matters is an interactive nutrition education program for kids, teens, parents, families, and seniors that uses hands-on cooking practice and weekly nutrition discussions to help build healthy habits. Our Cooking Matters programs are proven to reduce sugar¬-sweetened beverage consumption by an average of 52%.

Cooking Matters is a six-week series of hands-on cooking and nutrition education classes. Since the start of the COVID shutdown last March, all classes have been offered virtually via Zoom. Families receive weekly bags of groceries, then gather on Zoom to cook along with our instructors. Cooking Matters classes are taught by peer health educators (community members who have graduated from a Cooking Matters class and received eight weeks of additional training from 18 Reasons).